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PC Statement March 2024

The Parish Council have received a number of requests for help in raising awareness about the condition of the roads in and around Boddington, we addressed these issues with our Unitary Councillor at the Boddington Parish Council meeting on the 13th March.

The issues are not just the “Bomb crater” potholes, but the overall deterioration of the road surfaces and edges, and as residents of Boddington it can be difficult to understand why our roads seem to be worse than many in the surrounding areas. Of course, HS2 is an obvious culprit when it comes to the damage we see on our roads, and that cannot be ignored, but years of neglect by Highways has exacerbated the problem. If we had adequate, regular, high quality maintenance then perhaps the increase in heavy traffic would have had a much reduced effect.

For far too long little or no attention has been given to Boddington and it’s needs, with respect to highway maintenance and improvement. This needs to change and Councillor Eastwood agrees. If she is to lobby on our behalf, we need to give her the tools to do so. With this in mind, we would like the residents of the Parish to help us, help her, help Boddington.

So, what can we do ?

  1. When you see an issue with the roads in Boddington, STOP take a picture, and note the exact location of the problem.
  2. Go to and report the issue. Add as much detail as possible. (This is a quick process and takes as much time as making a coffee).
  3. Additionally use STAN (Safer Travel Around Neighbourhoods), RAC’s official pothole reporting partner.
  4. Send the details YOU reported to the Parish Council Clerk at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (The PC will collate all the logged issues and send them to Councillor Eastwood).


What should you do if the road conditions contribute to damage to your vehicle, yourself or animals?

If this happens, we want to know. In this unfortunate situation we also want to be able to tell Councillor Eastwood what happened, where and why, so, if you can, document the incident. Report it on and email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Ultimately HIGHWAYS must be held accountable for the state of the roads, they can blame HS2, bad weather or anything else they like, but it doesn’t change the fact: IT IS THEIR PROBLEM TO SOLVE.

HIGHWAYS are responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the roads, how the roads got into this state should not be an excuse for them to further neglect their duties.

Councillor Eastwood will lobby on our behalf, but we need to ensure she has the “Grist for the mill”.

There is not going to be a “silver bullet” and the problem won’t suddenly be resolved. This will raise awareness of our problems with the Unitary Council who must pressure HIGHWAYS.

The reality is that whatever we do, and however much pressure Councillor Eastwood puts on HIGHWAYS on behalf of Boddington, don’t expect to see a flurry of activity any time soon.

HIGHWAYS have worn us down, along with our roads, it’s time we turned the tables and wear them down. We want to be a constant buzzing in their ear, constantly reminding them Boddington matters! constantly at the top of their agenda when they discuss road conditions, making them as sick of the situation as we all are, and get them to act!

HIGHWAYS are not being asked to do anything special for Boddington, just their job correctly!!