Recycling in Boddington
Boddington Recycle Shed Now Open
Jubilee Field Car Park
The Boddington Sustainability Group in conjunction with the Jubilee Field Community Group are pleased to announce that thanks to the kind provision of a free unwanted shed and recycling boxes, villagers are now able to recycle items not readily collected at the kerbside or supermarkets at our new recycle shed on the Jubilee Field car park
You are now able to recycle:

Pringle Tubes (No lids)

Stationary - pens, tippex bottles (no pencils)

Lavazza A Modo Mio Coffee Pods

Dental - toothbrushes, flossing nozzles any brand

Warburtons wax wrap from bread, etc

All inkjet and laserjet cartridges

Used bras

Aqua Optima Water Cartridges

If you want more information or spot a problem then please contact
Plastic bags/crisp packets and other plastic bags and wrapping should be recycled at supermarkets - CooP at Byfield is the closest
Aluminum and plastic coffee pods - all brands - not available as a community scheme - but you can order free bags and recycle from home via www.podback.org
Glass, paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, tin and steel cans should go in the blue bin as now. DO NOT PUT PLASTIC BAGS OR DIRTY PLASTIC INTO THE BIN (AS THIS LEADS TO RECYCLING BEING SENT TO LANDFILL)
Electrical waste and batteries should be placed on top of the blue bin
Food waste should go in the caddies.