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Statement from Anglian Water


I am emailing to share an update on Anglian Water activities in Upper and Lower Boddington. Over the past several weeks, we have had a number of burst mains and we recognise that this has impacted residents. We are very sorry for interruptions and disruption to water supply in the area and appreciate the frustration that this is causing.

We are working hard to investigate the cause of these issues and get things back to normal, we believe that an unauthorised third party using the water supply may be creating sudden pressure changes which is in turn causing leaks and burst water mains. As such we are working with local large water users very closely. I would like to ask you as a representative of the Parish Council to please let me know if you notice water misuse in the area, for example, someone using a standpipe or operating a fire hydrant.

We are also completing operations on the network to make sure that the quality of the water remains high, this includes special cleaning of the water mains and increased sampling.

We will keep you up to date as our investigations progress, thank you for your patience during this time

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